Friday, January 4, 2008

Ivan Michael Day 2

Ivan and Mommy are doing well. He just got his wiener snipped by the doc and is enjoying a well deserved meal.

Isabella and Grandma came by for a visit. We all watched Shrek for a little bit and had some lunch. Then it was time for Isabella to hang out at Grandma's house where she could run around a bit.

Nonno headed back to California and Nonna is knitting a sweater. Took some more pictures today so check the photo gallery for updates.

I have a cold and I feel like my throat is swelling shut. Nonna is staying at the hospital tonight so I can go home and get some rest.

That's about it for today.


Anonymous said...


You've written how many books and the best you can come up with is 'wiener snipped'?

-Your Favorite Sister

Michael Daehn said...

That just shows you the writing style that has made me famous and a dozen selling author ;)