Wednesday, January 2, 2008

Getting Ready for the Big Day

Silvana is scheduled to have a C section at 7:30AM tomorrow. The big day is upon us. I stayed up all night last night setting up this site with photo galleries, links, emails and of course obtaining I think Silvana is finally convinced on the name since I bought the domain name. Don't want to waste $10.19.

Well it looks like the site is working and I will be able to add photos tomorrow and send a link to everyone. Hopefully all goes well and there are lots of great pictures for you to ogle. Please leave comments here on the blog or on the pictures in the photo gallery.

Thanks for sharing this special time with us!

Time for bed...


William Good said...

Sweet cookies! Sarah and I are really excited for you guys. We would love to visit you guys- if not in the hospital, at home. Let us know if you need anything!

Cool name, by the way!

Anonymous said...

We are very excited for you. Let us know if you need anything!

Your next door neighbors,
B,B, and J

Anonymous said...

He sure is a handsome little fella, and quite the eater, too. Congratulations on your first son!